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Summer 2025 topics

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To register your child for this summer’s programs, please visit the page for each program:

Weekly Topics

Each topic includes weather forecasting, basic sailing and boating skills, local marine life, and responsible marine stewardship.

Week 1: June 16 – June 20

Ship to Shore: Discovering BSSC

Students will experience a sampling of BSSC’s summer 2025 on and off the water program. Students will explore tide pools, learn about what lies between the surface and the seafloor, sail, row, kayak, fish, and get wet all while having tons of fun!

Week 2: June 23 – June 27

Scopes and Boats

Students will learn about how a boat floats, build their own model boat, and gain an understanding of the types of boats used at BSSC.  Students will use scientific equipment, boats, and seamanship skills to learn how ocean data can change based on sampling techniques and location.  Students will also learn about the different types of data that can be collected in the rocky intertidal or at the beach and the best way to interpret and display that data.  Includes a field trip and/or guest speaker. (TBD)

Week 3: June 30 – July 4

Day to Day

Students will learn about clouds and the typical weather that they produce.  Students will gain a better understanding of the difference between climate and weather and human impact. We will talk about how weather influences day-to-day activity on and off the water at BSSC and make weather predictions using the clouds. In this session students will also gain a better understanding of the many ways that they are connected to the ocean through the air that they breathe, the food that they eat, and the CO2 that they create. Includes guest speaker. (TBD)

Week 4: July 7 – July 11

Top to Bottom

Students will gain a better understanding of the Arctic and Antarctic Regions and the impact that sea level rise has on communities along the waterfront.  We will discover how the tides are influenced by gravity and the position of the moon to the Earth. We will create tide charts and learn how climate change and C02 production impacts the ocean and the animals that make it their home. We will learn about estuaries and watersheds. Students will also have a chance to mark the high and low tide in the BSSC tide pools and monitor how they change each day. Includes a field trip and/or guest speaker. (TBD)

Week 5: July 14 – July 18

Singled Out

Students will study where plastic debris comes from and how marine debris makes its way into the ocean. They will develop a “trash story” for a piece of one-time-use plastic and present the story from its origin to its eventual destination near BSSC. This session seeks to answer questions such as: What are the things that we cannot see by just looking at the water? How do these things affect the animals that live there? Includes a field trip and/or guest speaker. (TBD)

Week 6: July 21 – July 25

The “Maine” Ingredient

Students will learn about the difference between micro and macro algae and explore shoreside the different types of seaweed growing in Maine waters. We will study the structure of seaweed and the characteristics of echinoderms that make it their home. Students will gain a better understanding about Maine’s growing seaweed farming industry. And we will seek to answer the question: “Why is seaweed so important”? Includes a field trip and/or guest speaker. (TBD)

Week 7: July 28 – August 1

Lost and Found

Students will explore the different technologies that are helping to remove marine debris. Students will learn about the breakdown of plastic in the marine environment, and the contents of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. We will kick our creativity into high gear and design mock-ups of equipment that could help clean up the “trash” in the ocean. And we will continue to focus our attention on intertidal clean-ups. Includes a field trip and/or guest speaker. (TBD)

Week 8: August 4 – August 8

Hook, Line, and Seeker

Students will learn from fisherman, aquaculturists, and scientists about the benefits of farming the ocean. We will gain a better understanding of sustainability and what is meant by “sustainable fishing” and “responsible ocean stewardship.” Students will explore what lies between the surface and seafloor and how we’ve come to depend on what lives there. Students will learn how scientists estimate marine populations in order to determine their need to be protected and we will investigate the rules that regulate those that make their living from the sea. Includes a field trip and/or guest speaker. (TBD)

Week 9: August 11 – August 15

Inside The Toolbox

Through conversations with shipwrights, marine engineers, marine architects, musicians, and writers, students will gain a greater understanding of Maine’s rich history of shipbuilding, marine art, storytelling, and music. During this session students will work side-by-side with a local artist exploring different types of media.  And we will learn about the difference between art forms and scientific illustrations.  Includes a field trip and/or guest speaker. (TBD)