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Help us secure the future of Boothbay Sea and Science Center

Take a look at our concept plans!

The Boothbay Sea and Science Center (BSSC) has signed a Purchase Agreement for the Estate of Mildred A. Carter, a 1.33 acre parcel of shorefront property located at 12 Carter Road in East Boothbay.

Purchasing this property will allow BSSC to expand from seasonal to year-round programming, support the ongoing growth of our in-school seaweed farming program, and provide the platform for after school programs – serving the children and families of the Boothbay Region and beyond.

As a friend of Boothbay Sea and Science Center, we want to share with you how this purchase will help us continue to realize our mission and vision.

Purchasing the Estate of Mildred A. Carter:

  • Protects and preserves public access to the Maine shoreline.*
  • Supports our mission to provide equal and affordable access to Maine shorefront for BSSC participants, families, collaborators, the general public, teachers, scientists, artists, lobstering and sea farming industry, etc.;
  • Expands available shorefront for ongoing growth of our unique experiential youth programs that include sailing, rowing, and marine science activities;
  • Provides a year-round facility for:
    • development of after school programs/clubs (art, music, science, fishing, sea farming, boatbuilding/maintenance/repair/design, navigation, to name a few);
      expansion of our in-school seaweed farming program;
    • development of a public-school marine science speaker series;
    • participation in teacher professional development;
    • establishing a maritime museum that showcases and honors past and present local marine industry;
      ongoing outreach to other non-profit organizations that share our goals and core values.
  • Reduces our general operating expenses by providing:
    • staff housing;
    • boat storage.
  • Upholds our Committed to Community and our promise that … no child will be left sitting on the dock.

*Did you know … of the approximately 5,300 miles of Maine shoreline, only a little more than 20 miles is owned by working waterfront.

As it was in our beginning, we invite you to help us in securing and planning our future.