A summer of learning, experiencing

On August 20, the Boothbay Sea and Science Center wrapped up its ninth summer season of sailing, rowing, and marine science.  More than 90 youth ages 5 – 17 participated in nine exciting fun filled weeks of exploring and experiencing what lies between the surface and the sea floor.

All of this was made possible by the BSSC Sailing and Science instructors and Apprentices who spent their summer at BSSC sharing their passion for the ocean and their commitment to stewardship of our land and sea.

We explored a wide range of topics that included sea farming, environmental and climate changes in the Gulf of Maine, marine technology and debris, shipbuilding, maritime art, music and storytelling … to mention a few. We also worked on our sailing and rowing skills, as well as basic seamanship; knot tying, line coiling, boat rigging and docking.

And we studied the ocean environment of two local rivers, working with nets, secchi discs, microscopes, refractometers and other scientific equipment gathering data that gave us a better understanding of the marine life that makes its home there.

For more photos of our summer adventures, please see our page of 2021 images.